Monday, October 23, 2006

Well I have taken my life back. Life after Pam was difficult but now that I am finally rid of her, I have been able to storm the gates and take everything I wanted back. I am re-training myself to be a drinker among drinkers, guitar player of teh sex.... and of course, Jeff has eased his way back into dating. I must admit, it feels good. As always I'm excelling at work so the money is still flowing... not to mention I'm making all kinds of friends. I been invited to events and all sorts of cool stuff. I also need a date of an ince skating event... I wonder who I shall bring?
I may also bring a few friends, so if you want to go ice skating on nov 3rd, from 9:15 (pm) and on.... gimme a shout.

posted @ 12:07 PM


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well, the two year anniversary of this blog has recently passed, go you... mr. blog.

Halloween? costume? non-existant. Work is quite steady.... hanging out.... stuff... consistancy is sentence... fading... nudity.... happening.

posted @ 8:00 PM


Monday, October 16, 2006

Heehehehe, I look over to my case of budweiser sitting next to me... and what I see a a red, white and blue box of happiness with a "satisfaction guerenteed" print right in my face. Don't worry beer, I am satisfied... it's ok... cry to daddy... so he can drink your tears.

So I've taken my single life back, and my intelecctual... and it feels GOOD. Yesterday I ordered about 12 medical books (a mixture of types) for my reading pleasure. Not all are medical journals though. It's a mix of novels, journals, and stories. I also ordered some non-medical for my need for some escape. I also ordered a 2007 calender from along with "The Art Of Demotivation" managers edition book! I can't wait! S I should have some 15-16 books to last me for a while.

As always, lots of guitar.... Last night Anna and I worked on some chords and a few songs. She so rocks that D chord! GO ANNA AND THE D CHORD! YEAH! LET'S GET FUCKED UP AND FIND SONGS WITH THE D CHORD!

Wait... I know a bunch.. hehehe, go D chord.

I made a move recently, let's see where this one goes. I have high hopes for it. Going out again tonight. I look forward to it... she is really cute and funny (also intelligent!).

Well, I best get ready for work... soooo...

Go Tigers?

posted @ 1:31 PM


Friday, October 13, 2006

So chances are the end of october are going to be pretty crazy. Birthday parties, halloween (times two baby!), a play thing, and of course Jeff is working on his music (as always). I wrote a new song about how I've been feeling lately. Many of you already know how I kind of flipped the other day about things that have been bothering me (no elaboration required). If you do want some info though, I'm on AIM at least at one point in the day.... anywho. I wrote a song called "God Fearin' Man," and I have to say.... it's a pretty decent song. I look forward to playing it more in the near future. The only thing is.... it's too dark for a coffee house, so theaudience may be mixed up.

That's good, because I never really cared for them anyways.

Ah... I love being bitter. I feel like me again. took a few months but I finally feel satisfied. I'm not here to please people all day long, I have my own agenda.... and I will crush anyone who gets in my way. OMG LIEK EXCEPT 4 MY ROOMIES~ !! LOLOLOOLROFLORFOLOL!1

I'm still alive.... barely... need beer... out of beer... Jeff, find beer..

posted @ 11:25 AM


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The "Professional Drinking League"


Contact us on Facebook if you must.

posted @ 12:19 AM


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I took two from the beer bong the other night. I forgot how much I loved it (and how fucking good at it I am). Jeff, buy more beer... we need to wear that mother out.

posted @ 11:20 AM


Monday, October 09, 2006

So it's officially Monday.

Fucking yippie. I'm feeling quite melancholy this morning. I'm just fed up with some people right now and I wouldn't mind being left alone about a lot of things. It's all.. the... time... and... I... want... it... to... stooop. Am I being selfish when for once I don't want to hear about problems people have? All I want to do is read my books, go to work, and be happy with it until school starts. Is that reasonable? Anyone? Is it ok to have a few days where a problematic personal life isn't some form of a "highlight?" I mean, with this girl I keep telling myself neither of us are iinterested.... then something happens that changes my mind. So I think my official stance is "go for it." I'm past to safety zone for being single. I've moved on, and it's about time I get myself out in the dating world again. Ugh! fucking people sometimes.

On another note, I was able to drink enough to get a buzz last night. Lately it's been difficult to consume alcohol (and I can never match my old habits).... but I was able to accomplish a small victory last night (it was small by my standards). So my "fun" skills should be coming back. I'm sick of this SHIT! What the fuck!? I just want to get fucked up and do something stupid. I miss old Jeff quite a bit right now. He was a lot better at this... so you know what? I'm going to find him. Old Jeff could do everything I do now, AND be happy! Matter of fact, old Jeff had a lot more going on for him then I do now. Life is too short for me to sit around and e reclusive. Jeff, fix your fucking car, get a fucking beer, and find a fucking party. No more of this insecure shit either. This isn't me. I let my dillusions of what is right and wrong cloud who I am.

posted @ 1:35 AM


Grand Master Funk