Thursday, October 27, 2005


Yup, I think it's time to let my last post die.... but it shall go down in "Chris is a FAG" history.

Anywho, I'm looking forward to this upcoming party being put on by Anna and Roomies. It will be a good drunken time. I'm going as Willy Wokna (J. DEPP!) if you did not know that already... and I don't know if I will be doing themed drinks or not, but I have thought about it. If I did do themed drinks, they would not be as hardcore as the real good stuff, and more expenisive, so themed drinks may be a no go. I'll probably end up on my usual screwdrivers....

Well, life as a Premed is quite good for me. I'm at the hospital now, spending most of my time in Histology. I spend most of my time observing, but I try to be of use as often as I can. I like to help with leg dissections and organs.... colons.... uterus.... mostly looking at different cancer. I've been learning quite a bit about cancer.... hehehehe. Finding a tumor (specially in the uterus) can be much more difficult then I thought. It isn't usually a lump like most people imagine it.... it can be hundreds of tiny cysts (breast cancer), or just discolored surface skins (uterus). All in all, it can be bloody.... and I love it.

I'll be volunteering in the morgue soon enough.


Chris is still a fag.

posted @ 10:34 AM


Sunday, October 09, 2005

I swear on the life of George W. Bush.

Chris is gay.

posted @ 6:06 PM


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ok, I finally have things in order.

Finish MACRO in the winter.

Spring and Summer classes for some extra credits to transfer.

Transfer to NMU in fall.

Major in Clinical Labratory (Microbiology and Bacteriology)

Minor is still a ??? but probably Human Biology

Bachelor Degree!

Graduate School/Medical School

Major - Medical Scientist


Start Epidemiology Certification.

That is my current plan, go me for staying on the ball.
Chris is gay.

posted @ 9:35 AM


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I'm a very profession oriented person. Whatever my job focus is, my life starts to revolve around that. It's been something I have done for as long as I can remember (even Elementary School, if you known me that long). It's just who I am... I'm almost always happy with it, and I know it will be the great deciding factor to success, but it leaves an empty feeling, you know? I never set aside time to really want to be in a relationship, and it may be old news and all, but it is starting to wear me down. I draw closer to the breaking point.... hehehehe.

posted @ 7:36 PM


Grand Master Funk