Thursday, May 25, 2006

I suppose I should explaine myself as of late. Well, I'm still sick... I never recovered. I'll be on my way out of state (waaay down south) very soon for a few days to get treated. I don't know what will happen to me. Although, I'm going to be straight with you.... things are bleak, but my spirits are high.... so take care of yourselves, as I will take care of myself.

posted @ 7:00 PM


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ok, this is getting fucking rediculous. I get three... four days of goodness? Then this.

An old friend of mine just passed away Sunday morning, I didn't find out to later that night and it just sent a shock through me. This si the man who was not only a good friend of mine, but a friend to my Mom as well. He also taught me how to work a computer oh so many years ago. I was still visiting him right up till the end.

RIP Frank Inman.

I was doing so well, too...

posted @ 10:12 AM


Thursday, May 04, 2006

I think I'm starting to fall back into place. I'm home now, and I am pretty much out of these bad feelings.... kinda. I'm ready to start picking work back up. I've kept my mind on alternate things lately, and I only have small portions of this and that creep up on me. So.... yup. Rebuilding commence.... please?

If something shoots me down again, things could get REAL interesting.

posted @ 12:45 AM


Grand Master Funk