Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm holding to myself as best I can. Many of you have taken the time to help me and I really do appretiate it.... many time over.

I'm just kinda getting things back to where they belong.... before my life got all screwed up with Pam. I can see now she was bringing me down and I know now I can do better. So I'mgoing forit....give me a month or so and I can be back on top!

posted @ 8:20 PM


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Well, all of you were right. I was wrong to put the last of my faith down on a gamble... I'm not too happy with myself right now either. Turns out Pam cheated on me last night (technically two nights ago)... so yeah... I made that last mistake on giving the relationship another spin. I thought the traumatics were over! I loved her, put my faith and trust in her.... loved her more then anyone else has ever loved her (and I know that's a fact) and yet this still happens. It wasn't out of attraction either, just pressure. I can barely stand myself right now. 2006 is not the year for me.... not at all. I'm in dept, trying to get money together, and now (and once again) emotionally crippled. I'm just so tired of it all... I think I'm out of forgiveness... I don't want to be a cold and bitter person, but unless something improves... I don't know what will happen. Moving up to Mount Pleasant should help a little, and I started working on getting my schooling going again today, so that's good... but regardless of the good, the bad happens in the traditional form. I have a stressful day, thena good day, then people like to fuck with Jeff's feelings. Seems to happen everytime I date someone with no ability to turn down head. Oh wait, this is my first time being cheated on, my mistake.

Unless someone has more to share with me. If that's the case, do it now, while I'm still mildly level headed. Right here, right on my blog.... prove to the world I fucked up by loving because sometimes that's how it feels.... like a war againt good boyfriends.... against good people.

I don't want to hear any "I told you so" comments, and I don't want your pity. All I ask for is a few ears willing to listen for the next few days... I know who approved and dissaproved how I re-started the relationship... I just wish I never been in therapy. This never would have happened if I felt no love.

Ever since I could feel, I never felt good for a decent amount of time.

posted @ 4:24 AM


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

You're all communist motherfucking cocksuckers!

posted @ 12:54 PM


Monday, July 24, 2006

Most relationships are triangles...

A = Lover 1

B = Lover 2

C = Understanding

A relationship is considered flawed in the answer to C is above zero. No relationship is perfect. The gateway to communication will never be complete until C = 0.

I'm not perfect, but I try.

This simple comparison of math to relationships broght to you by me (Jeffy).

posted @ 11:37 PM


Saturday, July 08, 2006

So... Mission Accomplished, I got a job... so now maybe I can go home for a few days soon before coming back up to start. My last day of training is on the 15th at 3:00 P.M., then I have two parties.... good times, good times. Now that I have a job, I feel like my old self. I'm coming out of my slump and acting like me again. My memory is doing great, and I can remember the good and the bad now. I know what happened to me, I remember fully.... and I'm over it. I don't even get mad or anything. So my head is ok, my job will be starting soon, and 'm starting to feel more intune with getting back into my study/research state again.

Cool, eh?

Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest.... ROCKED!!!!!1!!! OMG OMG OMG!@!!1

Elizabeth Swann: There will come a moment when you have the chance to do the right thing.
Jack Sparrow: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.

posted @ 2:25 PM


Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm now a marketing representative for a ine multimillion dollar company.

I'll be making good money... I get to travel.... and I can work as many ours as I want.


For those of you who I haven't spoken with in a few days.... I miss you, I love you.... but I love me more, so *sticks out tongue*......

posted @ 8:58 PM


Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'm going to be a bit out of contact for the next few days. I'm moving around, not exaclt sure where I am going to be. As long as you check your messages or get online from time to time, I'll figure out a way to contact you and tell you where to find me if I am needed.

When I say "you," I mean everyone.

I don't mean to dissapear, but I don't have an option right now.

posted @ 2:34 PM


Grand Master Funk