Friday, February 17, 2006

I have so much work sitting in front of me right now. I am about to stop sleeping altogether, I can just feel it. Ok, check this out. I've been doing all kinds of assorted works lately. For example, I read two books yesterday, one was 500 pages, and one was 200 (this is rounded down and from memory). One of the biig book of philosophy, and the other was a book Pam bought me.... it's a philisophical book on religion and science melding together. I think my majors have not finished shifting yet. I mean... I'm am learning so much! This rules! I am so excited, I just feel... powered.... if that makes sense.

Here is an example.

Question: Science shows that the earth is billions of years old, but the basic Christian thought most accepted is the earth was created in 4004 B.C.

How can this happen? Who is right?

Answer: In the bible, it says God created the earth in seven days. But it also states one day for God is a lot more time then our days. One day for God is said to be thousands upon thousands of years. Think about it, the idea of night and day was created at the END of the first DAY. Sow e have to ask ourselves, what is a day? Is it the equinox notion of six hours of light? Is it 24 hours? You need to remember the calender back in 500 B.C. did not have leap years, or even the same way of measurement. They had light and darkness. God seems to measure how long his days are. He created the sun, the water, but he does ot follow our rules. One day can be a million years, and we can't argue that. It said he created the animals and plants for Adam and Eve; but did he just go ,"poof" have some food you two instantly created people? Or did he use the full million years?

"Then God commanded, "Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life: domestic and wild, large and small" - and it was done.

Genesis 1:24

Let the produce, eh? Does it say "poof" anywhere? I don't see it anywhere in the text. The more study I do, the more and more science and scripture start to tie together.

I know hundreds of people have embarked on this, but regardless if I am rediscovering, or even finding things that most people already know... I feel like I am DOING something. I am learning more about myself, and what I want to do with myself.

Let me see....

Major: Philosophy
Major: Medicine
Minor: Speech
Minor: Chemistry

Job: Doctor/Professor

Major: Philosophy
Major: Geology
Minor: Geography
Minor: History (Mythology and Religion)

Job: Professor/Geologist

Major: Philosophy
Major: Arcaeologist
Minor: History (Mythology and Religion)
Minor: Geography

Job: Professor/Archaeologist

Note: All majors and minors are interchangable

Philosophy - Ancient Ideas, Metaphysics, Asthetics, and Ethics
Medicine - Pathology, Viruses, and Epidemiology
Archaeology - Europe, Africe, Middle East
Geography - See Archaeology
History - Mythology and Religion
Speech - I like to talk! I want to be better at it!
Chemistry - Biochem, Forensics

What should I do? Anyone have suggestions or are itnerested in any of the above topics? I am loving what I am doing right now, all this research is just mind blowing, and I know it's only the beggining. Who knows where this will take me.....

All things lead the professor, but what else should I be doing? It's the second part I need to investogate. I will be in a social science, but what should I do with that?

posted @ 10:13 AM


Monday, February 06, 2006

Hmmmm... Dear Bloggety Blog MAchine thing.... PENIS!

I'm still here, no worries my little chitlins. Life is going ok, but I needed to dissapear for a little while. I've been having sporadic moments of clarity on what I want to do with myself. I realised that I been trying to tap into my potential, but in order to do that, I need to stay far away from loner lab work. I decided instead of being a normal doctor, I'm going to work towards postsecondary education. Basically, I'm going to be a college professor, and that's that. I'm going to get a dual in philosophy and some other major. Probably a science of some sort. My focus may be ethics, but I'm really getting closer to what I want to do. I felt like I was real close with pathology, but I just need to have people around me.... I need that stimulation. So perhaps I'll be one of those super-doctors... those professors of med school/doctors who do it all.... or maybe I'll focus on philosophy, and be a master of ethics and asthetics.... The ethics of society, what is right, what is wrong.... or should I go fine arts? A super critical ultrathinker (Philosophy basically turns you into an incredible thinker, if you are not one already). With this decision, I feel a lot better, because the idea of being so alone made me feel cold.... but that's good, becauase that means I can feel.... and if you knew just how bad I was, you would know how much this means to me.

So here I am, not back at the drawing board, but just expanding. I'm really finding a love for education.... I finally understand that I really od like to teach, and to talk about those things I enjoy.... but I always thought TEACHER, as in K-12, but I hated the idea of teaching kids whod on't want to be there. So it clicked.... about time too.... why not college? Work towards tenure, be a full blown professor with the highest degree imaginable.

Must.... work... hard.... must.... be.... awesome.

Congrats to Alex and the rest of the "Exit" cast on the awesome CMU Film Festival decisions!

Hmmmm,,, would it be Dr. Jeff Hagerl? Prof. Hagerl? Both? We shall see.....

posted @ 7:10 AM


Grand Master Funk