Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I've given up.

posted @ 2:39 PM


Friday, August 26, 2005

I love drinking.

I got really drunk last night.... yeah. So I'm at Mt. P with Alex for a couple days to spend time with my good bud and party. so many parties.... tis freshman weekend y'all! This is when everyone moves in and the parties kick in. Alex and I first spent time at Anna's with her roommate. I got drunk at that location first. Then we head back to his place and stopped in at his neighbors. I have a couple of vodka shots and alex got the beer bong from his closet. We then went across the street to a frickin' huge party. I met a girl I knew from my history of rock and roll and Alex met a guy he wrestled before. We had girls lining up to beer bong and I helped win a game of tippy cup. We would go back to Alexei's to use the bathroom and whatnot and his new roommate John had some of his female friends over so whe we obligated to stop and say stupid drunk shit while we were inside....

Good night.... good night indeed.

posted @ 9:19 AM


Saturday, August 20, 2005

I drink... I'm in therapy.... I don't have a job.... I play much guitar... I bottle my emotions/problems... and my cholesterol is 242. I feel...... broken (or emo). I am growing to be what I hate.... wow.

I recently decided that I hate most poets. If you write poetry, and are reading this, pray you are not a frivolous care free bastard who wastes his/her life writing in a book and thinking on ways to change the world.

I hate idealist is what it comes down to. I hate hippies and world changing do-gooding assholes. On the other hand, I hate extreme right wing conservatives.... using beliefs that don't apply to half the country anymore to decide if people live or die (I'm thinking of stem cells). I just hate those people.... I'm an extremist, but I don't consider myself a democrat or republican.... I'm an extreme middle. I'm the asshole moderate... Does anyone even remotely agree with me? Most people lean a certain way, but I lean against them all.

I will have to think more on this.

posted @ 3:42 PM


Grand Master Funk