Friday, December 23, 2005

Ok, here is the plan. I'm going to need help getting this party set up because I will be gone from the 27th to the 30th because I'm going to YAG, so I need help with picking up food and booze. Since this is a BYOB/Contribution Party, I'm going to list some things needed.

Vodka, at least three gallons.
Orange Juice
Peach Tree
Kahlua (or a cheap knock off)
Irish Cream
Creme' de Menthe
Cranberry Juice
CHAMPAGNE (a must have)
White Wine (go cheap, Arbor Mist)
Need one bottle of decent wine....

If you want food to exist at the party this year, then get some. We could use nuts, dried fruits, chocolates, strawberries, kiwi, and anything else you can think about. (chips and dip maybe)

Also, if someone has something they really want to bring (except eggs), go right ahead.

On the 31st I'll be spending most of the day picking up Pam and decorating/cleaning.... but the party does not start until 8:00 P.M.


Also, I'll need someone who is 21 and will buy booze for me before the party..... so yeah.

Premier Theme, dress..... eceentric? Overly cool?

Don't want to or want something different? Bring camera, dress up mildly as Paparazzi.

I look forward to seeing all of you at ze event in Saint Charles, so Merry Christmas, and I know you will have a happy New Year.

note: If you have booze that is mine (I'm looking at you, Alexei), please bring it.

posted @ 10:37 AM


Saturday, December 17, 2005

The winner is the Red Carpet/Premier party.

Alright, when you see the ever-so sexy J-Depp stroll is his all so sexy walk... ish... dressed up in his most eccentric (and cool looking) outfit. So the trick to this theme is to look expensive or eccentric. I need a lot of volunteers with cameras.... we need a lot of photo flash and such. Also, if you don't awnt to dress extravagant or something like that... dress like a reporter and come as paparazzi. Whetver you want.... the drinks will be of fine quality and will be researched right down to the technique of making them will be practiced and refined. I want everyone to bring some form of autograph book... a notebook, journal... t-shirt, whatever you want. We need to sign SOMETHING after all... I mean look at us, we rule, and now we're famous. If you want to come as "yourself if you were famous" or as an actual celebrity is up to you. Since you're famous, you can get away with anything... Too much make up, lot's of jewlery, or slutty.... pretty much anything goes. I might spend some money to get a bunch of chocolate roses to hand out to everyone.

I need to start getting supplies organized, so if you can bring ANYTHING, please leave it in my comments on this post. Paper plates, food, booze, juice, props, cameras.... whatever. This bash is going to be a great time, and I hope all of you come.
On a different note, I am no longer single. It's pretty much official I have left the world of bachelorism and although it saddens me, I think it will be good for me. Her name is Pamela, and she is a great girl (just in case you were wondering ;) ), and I do believe (and hope) she will be attending this New Year party. Alas, I need to keep myself in line... so wish me luck.

I'll miss you single life!

...but not that much.

posted @ 7:38 PM


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Solid Color IIII


Premiere IIII

Punk I

Black & White III

Prom III

Disease II

B. Brothers II

Trash I

Pajama IIIII

Gender Switch

Alright, this is a sombination if my Live Journal and Blog. We are now going to vote for top three choices. The choices are:

Color party - Everyone dress in solid of one color (or as close as possible).

Pajama Party - Nhur! You CAN'T just come nude or in boxers.... sorry Ryan.

Red Carpet Party/Premier - Brink a notebook to have autographs on. Dress up like you're famous (you can get away with anything!).


posted @ 9:16 AM


Friday, December 09, 2005

Rachel and I compiled a list of themes to vote on for New Years.... vote bitch.

Pajama Party - Nhur! You CAN'T just come nude or in boxers.... sorry Ryan.

Red Carpet Party/Premier - Brink a notebook to have autographs on. Dress up like you're famous (you can get away with anything!). You CAN'T just come nude or in boxers.... sorry Ryan.

80's/Punk - Safety pin jewlery, leg warmers, andmohawks. The wall will have paper on it so you can graffitti the house.

Color party - Everyone dress in solid of one color (or as close as possible).

Prom Gone Wrong (Josh Urbain's) - Josh, if you could leave a comment that elaborates, please do so. Basically, I think of it as dressing up formally with little taste and snacks.

I was thinking it'd be along the lines of coming in prom outfits, if you want that...or you could come in like tuxedo shirts...or you could come in blue jeans and with like a bowtie on...or you could come with flannel shirt and an infant and a beer bottle....I think you get the idea. - Josh

PMS/Make over/Girls night out Party - Sweat pants, ice cream, nail painting, and a poster of Orlando Bloom to DIIEIEEEEE for. We can also curl each others hair! OMG

Black and White Party - EVERYTHING is black and white. Clothes, decorations, drinks.

Come As Your Favorite Disease (Rachel actually found it) - Use your imagination.... come as a leper or something. I'd dress up like an Ebola suferrer.

Blues Brothers - Suits, ties, hats, sunglasses and soul music!

White Trash Party - Def Leopard, leather, bleached hair, whife beaters, and stilettos!

Gender Switch - Nhur! Guys are girls, girls are lumberjacls!

All would have picture areas, but the prom and premiere would have a much more elaborate picture area. Clothes, drinks, food, and decorations will all be themed.

Some of these can be combined... like PMS and Pajama party. Punk can be combined with Prom Gone Wrong.... you get the idea.


Note: Vote for your favorite three and we can narrow it down.

posted @ 10:24 PM


Grand Master Funk