Thursday, September 29, 2005

Looks like I'll be getting a job at Covenent. I got accepted into the volunteer job, and will get hired on as a lab assistant when I complete my winter semister (after I take chemistry).

I love working on something new, I'm making leaps in bounds and it has only been a week. I'm even getting chemistry and physics books to study before classes in the winter start.

Also... I'll be back in Carrolton after this Sunday, so it's time to leave STC again and go back to the cool place.

posted @ 5:56 PM


Psychguy04: are you afraid you might go to heaven?????

Thank you Ryan, that describes me in so many wonderful ways.

posted @ 5:27 PM


Monday, September 26, 2005

So I got a head start on my new major. I'm already placing calls to hospitals to do volunteer work. Ryan and I are also working on getting outside sources to pay for our college. So far we are transferring to U of M.

Corpse Bride rules. Ryand and I snuck beer into the show and such.... good time to be had by all.

I've recently returned from Mt. Pleasant after doing the first segment of filming. I got quite drunk... and did a little flirting, and a little boning of dead animals (not Anna).

Possible bonfire this coming Saturday! Stay tuned.

posted @ 11:13 PM


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Around 9:30-9:40 A.M. on September 22nd, I, Grand Master Funk.... changed my major to Pre Med.

posted @ 10:05 AM


Friday, September 16, 2005


I think I handled recent events rather well.

posted @ 1:44 AM


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I applied at the Disney Store in the mall, and I'm hoping it was not in vain.

My therapy is done, and although I don't think it has helped much, I feel much better anyways. I've noticed in talking with others about actual topics in their lives, I've been able to reflect much better. Now, I yet to release any anger, but the weight is less.... aaaanywho...

I have a gig, a LAN party, and work to do up north this weekend.

Goodbye gasoline.

posted @ 4:48 AM


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Feh, This week I started the improbable. I have started to take care of my body.... Let it sink in for a second.... let it sink in... Imagine me waking up before 4 PM to run, then doing some sit ups and doing some things with excerise equipment before bed. Imagien me eating less bacon and eating more oatmeal.

I'm going to kill somebody.

Well, I figured this.... I want to look good naked, and if I look good naked, I will look even better naked to other drunk people. So this just might be worth it. I am just tired of look like a 48 year old catholic mother who just pumped out her 11th kid.

I'm going crazy..... crazy.... I want bacon.

posted @ 1:04 AM


Saturday, September 03, 2005

I've made some interesting therapy progress. It looks like my emotional withdrawal problem is not even close to my problem. Odd, since that was the original theory. It's possible that I'm actually afraid of showing weakness (thus my lack of emotion). So now I have something else to ponder on.

So now it's I hold back my emotions. This causes some paranoia and inner turmoil (big whoop). I go to a therapist, and he spends four weeks trying to get me to come out. Decides from what I say, I think showing emotion is weakness (crying, sadness, fear) so I stop showing them. So he wants me to figure out all these times I should have felt something but let nothing through, and confront them. I really don't like this at all, because I can't think of any events that should affect me. Hell, I don't feel anything ever anymore. I have no pity, and I don't even feel much at all (if anything) during times of hardship and disaster. Feh, I just think I'm an asshole and I'm wasting my time at Covenant.

posted @ 8:46 PM

Gain weight, get a job, I want a tatoo, and a place of my own. Many goals for this year, eh?

posted @ 8:37 PM


Grand Master Funk