Thursday, June 29, 2006

Well, I'm drunk and at Ryan's place. I love this place! The floor has no carpet and the place smells like freshly cut lumber, It has an atmosphere I can relate to.

Yup, druuuuuuuuuunk! Anywho.... yeah.... my memory isn't doing too bad right now, thankfully. I'm getting close to full functionability.... so that's good.

I feel good, but I need some poooooooooon. I love poon.... sex is good.

Sex is good.

Sex is good.


posted @ 12:45 AM


Monday, June 19, 2006

Ok folks, for those of you who ever wondered.... I'm going to give you the absolute best top 10 date/snuggle with popcorn mives ever recorded.... with links.
10. All Quiet On The Western Front
9. Glory
8. Mystic River
7. Dancer in the Dark
6. Requiem for a Dream
5. 21 Grams
4. American History X
3. Leaving Las Vegas
2. United 93
1. House of Sand and Fog
All of my opinion are correct... so I am officially changing them to "fact," not opinions. Watch it with your significant other, trust me, the sex afterwards will be great.
You can thank me in cocaine and pizza.

posted @ 9:31 PM


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I like music.... a lot. I can't stop rocking out on my instuments, and I don't ever think I will. I still feel all the music the same way (well, mostly) I used to, and maybe even more. Like befiore, I prefer music live. Studio recordings are too bland... no energy.... to me live recordings, or better yet.... concert viewings... really show off what the artist wants the song to be, and not the sound technicians. I hear a recording.... enjoy it... download the live version, and rock out to it. I rarely listen to a studio version and play that one on my head when I hear the song later.... it's usually live in my head. Why would I want the dulled down version to be the one I think of anyways?
Anywho, I need a band. Mine moved on because of my sickness and have already started with a few new people.... I'm not bitter in any way because I told them to do it since I would not be ready in time.... but I need a jam partner now.... anyone interested? My credentials are as following:
...I rock...
If anyone of you know someone that are willing to take me in as a "Lord of Awesome," please let me know.
Thank you.
Grand Master Funk, the Lord of Evil.... The One who resides in a castle of virgin blood and crushed spiders that sits upon Mount Doom... Mount Doom can be found in the middle of the haunted Satanic Forest of Lost Souls.... and I rule this area with an iron fist of rightious smiting.... covered in acid.... and I sue my iron fist of rightious smiting covered in acid to rain justice upon the infidels in the form of bitch slaps of power and hatred.
P.S. my section on MySpace will soon be an artist profile, and I will have songs uploaded to

posted @ 6:20 PM

I'm tired.... not judt normal tired... but really tired. I want to do something with myself.... any suggestions?
I don't know if medicine is my thing anymore... I feel changed, and by all means I should be changed in a few ways, but now I feel unsure.
I kinda want to work on shaping my physical image a little more... gain some weight...

posted @ 5:38 PM


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Well, my thoughts are clear, and my ability to remember is slowly coming back at a healthy pace. My physical health is doing good, I gained a little weight, and my cholesterol is down to 200. Yet, I'm not completely happy with myself right now. Despite everything that has happened, something is wrong, I just know it.

posted @ 10:55 AM


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pain, suffering, dissapointment, and a desire to become a better person killed me. I am no longer the Jeff Hagerl all of you have known. I have amnesia. I am living with it today, and will be tomorrow, and the day after. I would be nowhere if I have not left a string of notes and a journal for myself so I can find those who can help me. So much has happened to hurt me, I don't even know how I have survived at all. Today is the one wek anniversary of my new life, and I don't know how it is going, really. I am easily confused, and ghosts of the recent past haunt me with memories. Even after all of my operations, I am still hurting.... way deep inside. I an't watch television without a bad memory popping up. I can't play guitar, but I can play a little drums... My science and math skills are at par, but my medicine thoughts are still gone. Perhaps my majors and minors will change...

I'm alive, doing ok... but I still hurt.

posted @ 5:41 PM


Grand Master Funk