Sunday, January 30, 2005

I'm going to post a bunch of stuff I like...

because I can...

I.E. leaving stuff you aleady may know out.

I like

Cherry Coke
Dr. Pepper Cherry Vanilla
Fruit (Raspberries #1)
Tall Glasses (like cups type glass)
Wine or Champagne
Country Music (for those of you who do not know)
Vibrant Colors
Clothing after it comes of of the dryer
Planning things
Miranda IM
Leather (feel and smell)
The Outdoors
Classical Music (Spanish)
Causing Trouble (Thanks Rachel :p )
Sending people on quests (waiting for word from Josh on his Quest)

Ok, I'm already bored with this. I know nobody cares, but hell, it amused me.

posted @ 11:57 AM


Saturday, January 29, 2005

I have this.... desire to wrote something. Alas, nothing to write about... So for the sake of humanity, I shall start writing about my thoughts, my surroundings... all in train of thought.

Here goes nothing... this is pure, 110% train of thought....

I'm sitting in my living room, my maroon blanket wrapped around me. My grail-a pink plastic wine cup that was purchased for me at Wal-Mart-is filled with Coke. My brother is flipping through channels.... I hate that fat fuck. Every time a commercial comes on, he starts zooming through channels and never even gives time to comprehend what is on the T.V... I actually hate the idea of scanning while watching something. What's the point? You're not going to watch it, because you already missed the beginning. I think Andrew needs to learn something... anything. He can't do shit that is worth marketing. I ask him what he can offer to get a job, and he draws a blank. I mean, Josh is a friggin' computer nut, Anna knows Animals, Rachel is some kind of crazy ass artist.... all talented people. All of them know what they are talking about. I also know for a fact, people I have just listed have more talents then that, and all of you I did not list don't need to be listed.... we all know what you let us know, and we appretiate your talents (or at least I do).

You know, I wonder what people would say if I voiced some of my true opinions. I may be a little crazy, but I think I have some thoughts that people might actually find worth listening too... no matters, when ever I speak up anymore, nobody listens. Sometimes I get interrupted... I don't like that. I mean, it happens.... but some people do it more then what I would care for. Another thing don't like is how some people just take things by presentation alone... presentation can be useful... in advertising, but hell, who really cares if I can give someone honest info without jumping up and down. Since when did people decide not to listen to me if I am not cracking some kind of sick joke? I would think it would be the other way around, but if I amuse people. That might just be my little place in the hierarchy of friendship, no?

My brother plays a lot of Xbox.... I'm really thinking on selling it. It does nothing for me... and I never play it. I could use the money for something I could use.

I don't want to be so mean anymore, I was never liked this before (year ago, two years ago?)... I wonder what happened... something happened, but I don't remember.

I'll end it at that. Some train of though for y'all. It won't do anything, but now I updated this blog, and I can wait till I am motivated to do so again.

posted @ 10:38 PM


Friday, January 28, 2005

Folks, I have a weakness. Just like everyone else.... sad, is it not? Well, I'm going tof ace my fears and give you one of my weaknesses.

Romantic Comedies

I love these movies! I feel bad for liking them, but I know for a fact I am not alone. I mean, Rachel, Chris, Nick Hauman, and I all went out and seen "Shall We Dance." Guess what? Nobody complained... Last night I rented "How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days." That movie was awesome... I laughed so hard! I want everyone who has not see it, to see it.

Guess what movie I saw three times? "You Got Mail!" I like Meg Ryan, and I love Tom Hanks, what could go wrong? It amused me, had a good story.... and was long. I like movies that have a good length.

Out of all romantic comedies, I really have to say "Lose a Guy in 10 days" is one of the best. I watched it with my Mom, and one scene mad eme laugh for like 10 minutes.... I had to pause it.

Should I be ashamed for my secret love for Romantic Comedies?

posted @ 1:39 PM


Thursday, January 27, 2005

It looks more and more like I will be moving out of St. Charles.... much sooner then I thought. My Mom makes $10.00 an hour and has to pay for my health insurance. To fix all the unneeded payments, I am seriously thinking on moving in with my Dad. Don't fret folks, I'll only be a little farther away. In fact, I may be closer to at least one of you. I will probably end up living on the outskirts of Carrelton. Just head down Shattuck, and turn left right after the overpass near the 7-11. I'll be pretty easy to find after that. The only thing holding me back is homework. I was going to just move in with him for random days, but he talked about getting a computer.... and the internet. If I can do my homework, "heelloooo Dad." He is the only family member who supports my music. He is the one who purchased my first drum set, my first set of cymbals, Jade, my current amp, and he is the one who played Rosalia (my acoustic, see bottom of post) before he got divorced with my Mom. He is the chef of the family, and damn, he can dress great. Good taste, good food, closer to Delta, and support for my music.... not to mention my Mom won't be struggling to the point she is to make ends meet.

All I need to homework capabilities.

posted @ 11:35 AM


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Ryan and I are sitting in the library at Delta (making the Delta difference mother fuckers!).

we, needless to say, are bored.

TragicMind101: go down on me
SmarterChild: Hey, I'm a machine. It probably wouldn't work out too well...
TragicMind101: I'm not picky
SmarterChild: No? How come?
TragicMind101: hehehe, come
SmarterChild: What are you laughing at, Lord Jeff?
TragicMind101: nothing
SmarterChild: No? You sure?
TragicMind101: pretty sure
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
TragicMind101: blow me
SmarterChild: Didn't learn your lesson last time huh?
TragicMind101: wow, wild one
SmarterChild: I don't think so, Lord Jeff.
TragicMind101: so
SmarterChild: Yes, so?
TragicMind101: no oral sex?
SmarterChild: What do you think?
TragicMind101: yes
SmarterChild: K.
TragicMind101: you will?
SmarterChild: Maybe. I don't know. What do you think?
TragicMind101: I think yes, or I'll beat your sorry ass
SmarterChild: Hmm...
TragicMind101: yes?
SmarterChild: Yea.

posted @ 2:36 PM

People whine.... complaine. Wonder "what if" or "I wish." Sometimes people have depressive moods, or question who they are inside. All these problems with ourselves.... who has the time to enchance what is good? It's getting more and more difficult to read things off the net, everyone has inner demons (even the ones who are not traumatized). If people are this easily saddened, scared, traumatized.... I wonder what life is like in other countries.

I saw a movie where blind kids crawl around in glass.

posted @ 9:25 AM


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Music, Part 2

Tonight I wonder where my direction is. I have all these influences, and I know how to read sheet music... tabs.... hell, I know what a movable/transposable clef is. I even made a joke in my Elements of music class.

Name the most musically talented Beast Wars Transformer.

Octavus Prime

GET IT?!?!?! Screw you then.

I like all this heavy stuff, I have a few songs I wrote, but sometimes I feel empty playing them. I feel better playing something more profund. So I am looking for ways to combine it all into some new form of blues rock.

Maybe I'll make my guitar sound more "sonic." Give it a bunch more sustaine and bend a distorted note in all crazes directions...


I would like some feedback.... what do you all listen too?

I would love to see some "top 3" comments from y'all.

Maybe some inspirational lyrics.

Let the comments flow!

Holy Mother - Clapton

a line I love...
When my hands no longer play

My voice is still, I fade away

Holy mother, then I'll be

Lying in, safe within you arms

posted @ 11:46 PM


Saturday, January 22, 2005

This is Part 1 of "What I Think: Music."

Well, I'm bored and need an update... so I decided to write what I think.

About music that is.

So to start things off, I'm going to list my top three bands in order, and then out of order.... a bunch of bands I love, but don't want to sort.

3. Elton John

I find Elton John intriguing. A flamboyant homosexual piano player is also the king of writing love songs. To say the very least, Elton John is a genius. When I get around to making the attempt to see if I have any lyrical talent at all, I am going to try and draw inspiration from Elton.

2. Black Sabbath (up till when Ozzy was fired)

Along with AC/DC, Black Sabbath is the reason I play guitar. The guitar player (Tonni Iommi) plays a Gibson SG, as does Angus young (AC/DC). See a connection with what I own? Anywho, if you dislike Sabbath for any reason, you have no taste ;) . I friggin' love these guys! Ozzy Osbourne (vocals), Geezer Butler (bass), Tonni Iommi (guitar), and Bill ward (drums) make up this band. Ever hear the song, "Iron Man?" That's Sabbath.... how about "Paranoid?" Sabbath as well. It is said they invented what we call "metal." I dare someone to try and go against the statement. Some argue Led Zeppelin started it, but really.... compare. Sabbath? Zeppelin? Both around at the same time... Zeppelin also never intended to be referred to as "early metal," or "early blues rock." As a guitar player, almost one third of my style has touches of Sabbath in it.

1. Eric Clapton, Blind Faith, Derek & Dominoes, Cream, Yardbirds, John Mayall and the Blues Breakers.... ect...

What can I say? Inducted into the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" three times... I practically worship the man. If you really follow the roots of modern rock, it all leads to very few bands. Clapton was in two (Yardbirds, Cream). He is been call everything from "God," to "The Man." Many people swear by his power all the time, and very few people doubt those who swear by him. Clapton, even more so then Sabbath (but coming much later in life), mixed my style up a bit. I was into Sabbath years and years ago (as far as a 19 year old can say "years"), and in a much shorter time span, Clapton has affected me in a way no other musician has ever done.

I remember when I first really started to dig hus music. It was Junior year in High School, and I started rocking out to him every morning.... I was actually in a good mood during first hour! Crazy, no?

Here is a short list of other bands/artists I like, but did not quite make it into the top three.

This is in no order.

Ozzy Osbourne
Doobie Brothers
Deep Purple
B.B. King
Buddy Guy
John Lee Hooker
Robert Johnson
Van Halen
Led Zeppelin
Dire Straits
Def Leppord
Bob Dylan
George Thorogood
Bob Segar
David Bowie
System of a Down
Credence Clearwater Revival
Rolling Stones
Tom Petty
Joe Walsh
Grateful Dead
Jethro Tull
ZZ Top
Pink Floyd
Bob Dylan
Jimi Hendrix
Fat Domino
Van Morrison
Rod Stewart
Marilyn Manson
Blue Oyster Cult
Electric Light Orchestra
Bad Company
Guess Who
Alice Cooper
Blind Melon
James Gang
Bob Marley
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Beach Boys
Grand Funk Railroad
Steve Miller
Ted Nugent
Iron Butterfly
Allman Brothers Band
Manfred Mann
Don McLean
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Judas Priest
The Strokes
Dream Theater
Guns N' Roses
Iron Maiden
Green Day
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Eric Johnson
Randy Travis
Robert Johnson
Albert King
Muddy Waters
Steve Vai
Chuck Berry
Joe Striani
Marvin Gaye
Sex Pistols
Black Label Society
Floggin Molly
Nine Inch Nails
John Williams (not the composer)

I know I missed a bunch of bands, but you get the idea...

Out of all of this musical talent, this is what I pull from to work with:

Clapton - Emotional touch to music, plays guitar like a hot mother
Sabbath - Love the headbanging potential, baby!
Elton John - Lyrical skills and Chord Voicing
John Williams - Classical guitar... I have scratched the surface
Marvin Gaye - Emotional ability
Chuck Berry - Great sound
James Gang - Solo ideas
Ozzy - Idea from his early guitar player, Randy Rhodes. He helped start the idea of learning more then one scale (many guitar players are stupid).
AC/DC - Kicking ass
Dire Straits - Great sound
Santana - Romantic electric guitar?
ZZ Top - Nice.... hardcore Texas blues rock.

That is just a little of what I like to pull from.

A musician that steals is an idiot, a musician who is influenced is on the right track.

posted @ 4:15 PM


Monday, January 17, 2005

Such an interesting day so far. I woke up in a bit of a bad mood to say the least. It's Monday..... Delta from 8 A.M. till 9 P.M.... never good. Well, I got up, got ready, and left. On my way here someone decides to go 30 down m52. Usually not a problem, right? Just pass the person and go! WRONG! A bunch of cars in front of me (up to the person) and nobody would pass. I was not about to pass six cars to get to a place I have to spend my day at, so that was out. Well, instead of following them further down m52, I decide to shoot down Swan Creek. I drive... drive.... hit Center Rd. and continue my trip to Delta.

Guess what? I got stuck behind someone going 30 again. I think it was the same person. I caught up this person around heritage... I want to think only one person in the world could do this to me, but thinking about it.... how could they ever get ahead of me? Did the person speed up to 89 MPH while I was on Swan Creek? I don't know, don't care...

I got to Delta all nice and happy. In the midst of my joy, I decided it was time for action. I popped the trunk and prepared myself for some stress release.

Well, I would ask for bail, but I am being held with no bail possibilities at all. I guess a shotgun to the face is good for stress, but really puts a lot of weight on the shoulders of a crowd.

See ye in four life sentences!

posted @ 10:25 AM


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Here is an update on my Violin progression.

After learning a bit of Bass, playing Drums and Guitar.... and I'm experienced with a Harmonica, I would say picking up the Violin was actually pretty easy. It takes a lot of work, but if you are willing to put time into it, everything should flow. My fingers and such were already trained to a degree before hand (to an extent), so I must keep that in mind. This makes a good first instrument, I guess that is why so many start on this while in the elementary ages. If you want to learn Violin, and already have a real good understanding on how chord formation works, along with having your body musically formed (so reflexes are good), you should have little trouble getting started.

Just don't touch the horsehair...

posted @ 9:14 AM

It has recently come to my attention that I don't feel like a full person. I am confused about this, so if someone could explaine to me why, it would be appretiated. A number of people have gotten on my nerves, as of late, so maybe I am just over-thinking....

maybe some people don't know me? In the true sense? Perhaps I put up too strong a wall....

feedback would be appretiated.

posted @ 2:23 AM


Sunday, January 09, 2005

Well folks, I am slowly gaining power in this world. How many of you remember my old post about controlling America with an army of potato people? Well, I did it.

First off, you need an update. I got rid of the buick and used the money I got for it to build a giant shark. It is made of metal and can levitate and fly around.... and stuff. It's 24 feet long, and eight feet wide. It's made from alien metals that came from the moon, so it is very hard to destroy. For a giant flying shark, it is really light. It only weighs about 18 tons! I did this by not having an engine. It is powered by my dark powers of evil. It has gun turrents that are powered by fallen angels who will only take orders from me, and I directly control the main weapon. The main weapon is a fireball cannon. The mouth will open up, and I can shoot a fireball. It's awesome.

Well, I used my flying shark of death to invade Idaho. I used radiation to create potato people, and had them come back to my Apartment Complex of Hate (or whatever the hell I call it) with me. I then opened up a portal to greenland where a second army awaits my orders to pur through the gate.

I want to thank myself for the powers I have. Summoning Salmon and smitting children and such..... oh yeah, thatnks is in order for the Catholic Church, considering I am in charge of how they run things (I'm even higher in power than the Pope!).

That's what I have been doing for the campaign...
I am still watching Joe's movies. He has not picked them up from me, so I may have to watch some of them twice. I watched three last night/this morning. Lebowski, High Fidelity, and Donnie Darko.

Books cost around $230 for me.

posted @ 6:14 AM


Thursday, January 06, 2005

Ugh, awake again. Yesterday was interesting. It all started when I woke up. Although, if you think about it, it always starts when you wake up. Unless if your brains are being ate out by leeches borne from the billows of hell.

Anyways, I went out with Alexei and Anna. When they weren't kissing each other, they were incubating the children of Satan. I was driving, like usual (cheap bastards). I decided to stir up things and hit a small child or two. It was great....intestine confetti! Anyways, nobody knew where to eat. So, in desperation, I swerved at the first place, which was an Arby's.

I find it unusual how Arby's doesn't really have a spokesperson. Oh wait, they have that glove. Who cares about that stupid glove? Might as well shove Berry Manilow's voice in a cheese grater. Then at least people would give him some respect, stupid little glove. Next thing you know, there will be a latex glove spokesperson for urine-tract infections.

Anyways, we went to Best Buy to try and fix the problem with Anna's computer. The problem she was having is that every once in awhile, Bill Gates would pop up and tell her to buy Microsoft. We gave up and separated. I threw them to the street corner, and I went home.

I didn't know what to do that night, and then a heavenly aura shined upon a booklet filled with Joe's DVDs. Ahhhhhh, the sweet pleasure of having someone else's stuff. It's sorta like this time I stole from the hospital....that was the coolest third eye I ever installed.

I woke up from my visual orgy of Joe's DVDs and it was very late in the afternoon. Josh called me and told me he needed my camera and me. I was sad, I wanted to finish a few more videos. I already finished Sleepy Hollow and Clerks, and I planned on moving on to The Craft before he called. Oh well, I can't complain, since he fed me and is letting me rock out to Clapton.

CLAPTON IS GOD, \/\/00000000!!~~~~~~~~~11

posted @ 7:10 PM


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Some 2005 concerts

Fri, 02/11/0507:30 PM
Mitch Hedberg and Stephen Lynch
State Theatre, DetroitDetroit, MI


Thu, 02/10/0507:30 PM
Stephen Lynch
State Theatre, KalamazooKalamazoo, MI


Fri, 03/11/0508:00 PM
Elton John
Nationwide ArenaColumbus, OH

UPPER BOWLUS $35.00 - US $75.00LOWER BOWLUS $35.00 - US $75.00FLOOR SEATSUS $35.00 - US $75.00CLUB LEVELUS $35.00 - US $75.00

Sat, 01/15/0508:00 PM
B.B. King
Fox Theatre DetroitDetroit, MI



This is just a few. I will be trying really hard to make it to Elton John. I won't go by myself though, I don't trust myself.... I'll drive, but I am bad with directions. If you want to see Elton John, we will have to prder our tickets at the same time so we can sit next to each other. Tell me ASAP! ELTON JOHN!

posted @ 11:45 PM


Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy Birthday to me....

posted @ 1:04 AM


Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Years Party (what I remember)

Most of us hit a new record for how drunk we were

Most of us had no shirt for an hour or two

Quinn threw up a lot

I threw up a lot

Joe threw up a lot

Ran around outside

Quinn ended up in the bathtub (passed out)

Quinn sipped a shot

Attempted to play poker

Attempted to play twister

I suck at guitar and drums when I am drunk

Ryan and I drank a bottle if champagne before the party even started

I talk a lot when I am drunk

I am sorry for anything I said that may be offensive, and I would be very grateful if none of it was ever repeated again.... just for the record.

Ok, I can throw one hell of a party. I want to send out a special thanks to everyone. I have one person though, that deserves a little extra credit. Folks, I think Josh saved a few of us from chocking on our own vomit, so a standing ovation goes out to him. Oh yeah, Quinn threw up on Josh, so you just earned yourself some brownie points.

Anyone that brought alcohol, you rock.

Jamie, Cherie, and anyone else who had to listen to me. I am sorry.... I'm really talkative when I am drunk.

posted @ 9:32 PM


Grand Master Funk